Albert fish
Albert fish

albert fish

He then suggested that the Budd's allow him to bring their oldest daughter, ten-year-old Grace along to the party. Grace Budd: After lunch, Fish explained to the family that he had to attend a children's birthday party at his sister's home and would return later to pick up Eddie and his friend to take to the farm. Howard seemed like a typical loving grandfather. When Fish arrived on June 4, as promised, he came baring gifts for all the Budd children and visited with the family over lunch. The following week Fish failed to show on the day promised, but did send a telegram apologizing and set a new date to meet with the boys. Howard.Ī Loving Grandfather: Fish told the Budd family that he would return the following week to take Edward and a friend of Edward's out to his farm to begin working. The job seemed ideal and the Budd family, excited about Edward's luck in finding the job, instantly trusted the gentle and polite Mr. Fish told the family that he was a Long Island farmer looking to pay a strong young worker $15 a week. Frank Howard, met with Edward and his family to discuss Edward's future position. Albert Fish, who introduced himself as Mr. Frank Howard: In 1928, Fish answered an ad by 18-year-old Edward Budd who was looking for part-time work to help out with the family finances. Thus, several of his victims were black children selected to endure his torture using his own labeled "instruments of hell" which included the paddle, meat cleaver and knives. It was his belief that the police would spend less time searching for the killer of a African American child than a prominent Caucasian child. Some believe he selected states largely populated with African Americans. According to Fish, no women ever responded to his letters asking them, not for their hand in marriage, but for their hand in administering pain.Īcross State Lines: Fish developed his skill for house painting and often worked in different states across the country. The descriptions of these acts were so vile and disgusting that they were never made public even though they were submitted as evidence in court. In his letters he would go into graphic detail of sexual acts he would like to share with the women. The Letter Writer: After his marriage ended, Fish spent time writing to women listed in the personal columns of newspapers. He also found enjoyment from pushing needles deep into his skin.

albert fish

He would ask the children to paddle him with the weapon until blood ran down his legs. One game included the nail filled paddle Fish used on his victims. It was at that time the children recall Fish occasionally asking them to participate in his sado-masochistic games. The children led average lives up until 1917, after Fish's wife ran off with another man. As time went on, the sexual fantasies he would act out on the children grew more fiendish and bizarre, and often ended in murdering and cannibalizing his young victims.įather of Six: In 1898 he married and later fathered six children. Fish would lure children away from their homes, torture them in various ways including using a paddle laced with sharp nails, then rape them. He had very little formal education and grew up learning to work more with his hands than his brains.įish's Crimes Against Children Begins: According to Fish, in 1890 he relocated to New York City and began his crimes against children.

albert fish

The orphanage was, in Fish's memory, a place of brutality where he was exposed to regular beatings and sadistic acts of brutality. His parents abandoned him at a young age and he was sent to an orphanage. Long Roots of Insanity: Albert Fish was born on in Washington D.C., into a family which had a long history of mental illness. He was eventually executed and according to rumors, he turned his own execution into a fantasy of pleasure. Fish was a small, gentle looking man who appeared kind and trusting, yet once alone with his victims, the monster inside him was unleased - a monster so perverse and cruel, his crimes seem unbelievable. After his capture he admitted to molesting over 400 children and tortured and killed several others. Albert Fish is known for being one of the most vile pedophiles and killers of all time.

Albert fish